Black Well-Being and Ally Resources

Student Health on Haven joins with the larger Columbia community in expressing our grief, sorrow, and compassion to all those who have been and continue to be impacted by the racialized violence happening across the country. Recent killings are not isolated events and are only the most recent manifestation of our nation’s long history of structural racism, racialized violence, and white supremacy. We recognize that racism manifests at the ideological, institutional, and interpersonal levels.

In the words of Sandra L. Shullman, PhD, president of the American Psychological Association, “we are living in a racism pandemic.

Columbia Resources

More Resources

Navigate resources for Black-identified students, anti-racist education and tools for allies, as well as CUIMC-specific supports.

Draw on Your Networks

Draw on your existing supports or grow your network. Connect with those with whom you have a sense of belonging and/or consider joining a campus organization. These networks foster connections and serve as safe havens and a bridge between the academic, social, and cultural realms of graduate life for students of color.

Student Health Resources

Resources for Black Folx

The events unfolding around us may be traumatizing and we recognize that they may be particularly injurious to members of our Black and African-American community. After experiencing or witnessing trauma, it is normal to experience a range of feelings and emotions, such as shock, fear, sadness, anger, helplessness, or guilt.

Self Care

Practice self-care and self-affirmation. Given the health outcomes associated with navigating race-related stressors, it is important to take care of your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

Resources for the Black Queer and Trans Communities

Anti-Racist Resources for Allies - Watch, Listen, Read

Are you ready to work on yourself to support people of color and address ways in which you enact and perpetuate racism? Not sure where to start?

Take a look at these Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources and note the stages of white identity development. Resources are provided that correspond to each stage.

Are terms and concepts you are hearing new or confusing? The following links may help expand or clarify language.




For more books, articles, and important think pieces for allies in anti-racism work, start with the excellent suggestions in the Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources

Document and report perceived bias and discrimination through your individual school’s reporting system and/or use:


This page originated through a collaborative effort with Dr. Raygine DiAquoi, former Assistant Dean of the Office of Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion at the Mailman School of Public Health. We thank the many students and administrators who contributed. We look forward to hearing your feedback and additions by email to Jennifer Nguyen: