Campus Recordings and Copyright

Copyrighted works can exist in almost any form, whether text, image, audio, video, or a combination thereof. Many of the auditoriums and classrooms at CUIMC allow for the recording and distribution of lectures and other presentations; some locations automatically record and distribute for the convenience of the course’s instructor and students.

Since recordings create a copy of materials used in the presentation, any recordings that contain copyrighted items can infringe on copyright law unless proper clearance is obtained.


  • Recordings of lectures and other presentations in CUIMC classrooms, auditoriums, lecture halls, or other locations are subject to all copyright requirements.
  • Items that are part of a campus recording including the Echo360 system must be cleared for full copyright compliance in advance. Use of the Echo 360 system requires that full copyright laws are respected, even if the intention is to post restricted online access via UNI login or other methods.
  • It is the responsibility of the presenter to verify in advance that copyright laws and policies will not be violated.
  • CUIMC reserves the right to remove content from the Echo360 system.
  • CUIMC and any individual found to be in violation of copyright legislation can be held legally responsible.

Examples of Common Copyright-cleared Materials

The following are examples only and cannot be used for full verification of copyright compliance. Each instance is unique and may have additional circumstances that must be taken into consideration.

  • Materials for which you own the copyright, excepting those that have been published in a journal or other format under a publishing agreement. Research materials that have been published in a journal are often no longer under your copyright; review all publishing agreements to verify the legality ahead of time.
  • The copyright owner has provided proper permission/clearance for use in this particular manner or instance.
  • The copyright has expired or the work is in the public domain.

See the Columbia University Copyright Advisory Office's information on Copyright Basics